Parker Therapeutic Services
PTS is a Therapeutic, Maryland foster care program designed to integrate the structure and services of a residential treatment facility, with a less restricted community-based setting. We are committed to developing innovative solutions for vulnerable populations who face significant challenges. PTS, Inc.'s holistic approach to the planning and delivery of foster parenting services supports individuals and families to be successful both in their own lives and within the community at large.
The foundation of PTS services is built upon our Resource Family relationship, a relationship based on a personal connection and mutual respect which develops between the Individuals and families receiving services and their Resource Family/direct service provider. PTS is committed to providing opportunities for each Individual and family to develop the sustained support of this personal relationship in order to guide and support the growth and change of each individual referred for services.
PTS provides a wide array of community support and residential services designed to meet the needs of the individuals and families served and the requirements of the LDSS.
PTS Child Placing Agency provides treatment for Maryland foster care. The agency is designed to accept boys and girls between the ages of 0-21. Boys and girls are thoroughly screened to determine appropriateness for placement in a Licensed Foster Home through a review of educational, social, psychological, and psychiatric records. Those identified as appropriate for foster placement need a caring and loving home in which the foster children can grow and develop.
The major emphasis is on a treatment setting within the PTS treatment foster home designed to meet the educational, medical, and psychological needs of each child. All children will be provided with an Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP) to help the child modify his or her behavior. This will be accomplished through the assistance of the assigned Agency Social Worker.