The PTS Model
Parker Therapeutic Services, Inc. mission is to provide superior Clinical Team Service Delivery to Children, Foster Parents, Mental Health and Social Service Agencies. Parker Therapeutic Services, Inc. is committed to children by empowering a nurturing, caring, and therapeutic family environment that is empathic to our children’s needs. Our intensive in-home therapeutic services are guided by the Clinical Holistic Intensive Learning Development (CHILD) Wrap-Around Model to stabilize challenging children in Licensed Therapeutic Foster Families.
The PTS CHILD Wrap-Around Model.
Our Clinical Team consists of a Clinical Director, a Psychiatrist, and Licensed Psycho-Therapists. Our Therapists have Licensed Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, and Clinical Professional Counselors who provide weekly in-home based therapy. The Clinical Team develops a Treatment Plan to guide the children’s development towards their identified Plan of Care.
Our Holistic Team consists of Case Managers who have a Bachelor or Master Degree in Social Work. The Case Managers provide support to the children and Foster Parents to coordinate Wrap-Around Services. Also, the case managers monitor the progress of the children towards their Treatment Plan.
Our Behavioral Therapists work with the clients weekly to monitor their behavioral modification contract; mentor; and de-escalate a potential crisis before it results in hospitalization.
Our Educational Advocates provide an assessment of the children’s Educational status by reviewing their educational/psychological records. Also, the Educational Advocates work with the children’s assigned school to assure that they are placed in the most appropriate educational setting based on their educational recommendations.
Our licensed Foster Parents provide a nurturing, caring, safe, and therapeutic environment for troubled children. Our Foster Parents accept children on an emergency, respite, short-term, and long-term basis. The Foster Parents are supported by our in-home based Therapists, Case Managers, Behavior Therapists, and Educational Advocates to assist with stabilizing the children in the community.
PTS incorporates philosophy and practice of permanency planning and community-based treatment for children with cognitive, psychiatric and/or psychological disorders. PTS expects the children and youth it endeavors to serve to present with a broad range of challenges including, but not limited to: oppositional, threatening and/or delinquent behaviors or problems with drug and alcohol abuse.
The Executive Structure
Our Chief Executive Officer, Gary H. Parker, Cheif Operations Officer, Deanna Dishman, and Chief Finacial Officer, Mekdem Alem leads our foundation in structure and philosophy. The Executive Team is hands-on in developing and implementing new programs, approving all referrals and admissions, approving foster home certifications; and addressing and mediating staff, foster families and biological family issues.

The Team Structure
Individuals and families served by Parker Therapeutic Services, Inc are assigned a Clinical Case Manager, a professional with expertise in the assessment, treatment, and case management of services being provided. The Clinical Case Manager visits Individuals and families on a regular basis, - weekly - to facilitate the implementation of the ITP, to verify compliance with the ITP and contractual obligations, to support Resource Families and other direct service providers, and to coordinate the activities of professionals from other service providing agencies.
The Service Plan is developed by a multi-disciplinary team, which includes PTS staff, the Resource Family, ancillary service providers and others identified by the Individual as important to his/her future. PTS staff involved in the service planning process may include the Clinical Case Manager, Clinical Case Manager Supervisor, Program Manager, and clinical specialists who consult as needed. In addition, the Individual, the Individual's family, the Resource Family, the referring agency's caseworker, school personnel, psychiatrist, behavioral consultants, therapists; and other ancillary service providers are invited to participate in the development of the Service Plan as appropriate. The members of the Treatment Planning Team provide sustained support to direct service providers, individuals and families receiving services and purchasers of PTS services. The Resource Family is an active member of the team and is a primary service provider.